Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D.
Assistant Extension Director

242 Scovell Hall 115 Huguelet Drive Lexington, KY 40546-0064

+1 (859) 608-1014

Beef as Part of a Balanced Diet

Beef as Part of a Balanced Diet

Beef As Part of a Balanced Diet

eden shell farm pic narrow sign

Beef provides many nutrients, including high-quality protein and several vitamins and minerals.

A 3-oz cooked serving of beef provides about 25 grams of protein, generally the size of the palm of your hand or a regular size hamburger patty, which is about 50% of the average healthy adult’s daily need for protein! Iron, zinc and several B-vitamins are also supplied by beef and support good health at all stages of the life cycle. 

Another visual for a serving size would be ¼ of your plate which matches the MyPlate visual provided by our Dietary Guidelines.

3 oz serving size of beef

Click on the links below to learn more about the nutritional value of beef and recommendations for consuming beef as part of a balanced diet.

Protein Content of Beef

Protein is essential for a healthy body. Protein is linked to favorable lifestyle markers such as healthy body weight and/or weight loss, maintaining and building muscle, and overall diet satisfaction. Beef provides 10 essential nutrients and protein may be one of the most notable. Did you know that one 3 oz cooked serving of beef provides 50% of your Daily Value (25 grams) of protein. The article talks more about protein provided by beef.

Beef and Heart Health

Eating for a healthy heart can be easy and it really isn’t complicated.  There are nine extra-lean beef cuts that have been certified by the American Heart Association’s® Heart-Check program! Read the article to find out more about eating healthy including beef.

Beef Nutrition Virtual Learning Opportunities

Check out the virtual, variety of educational resources focused on a broad range of beef-related topics. If you are a health professional seeking continuing education credits the beef nutrition virtual learning opportunities are tailored to support your needs. 

Beef Research: Human Nutrition

The Human Nutrition Research Program focuses on human clinical trials investigating healthy diets, across the lifespan, where beef is the primary source of dietary protein. The research focuses on the impact of cardiometabolic health, strength, and performance. Additionally, the research explores beef’s role in a healthy, sustainable diet.

Meeting Nutritional Needs with Beef

Beef provides 10 essential nutrients your body needs. 3 oz piece of beef provides protein, zinc, iron, choline, vitamins B6 & B12, phosphorus, niacin, riboflavin, selenium. Read the article to learn more about the benefits of beef.

Beef Nutrition Education Hub

The Beef Nutrition Education Hub is managed by a team of nutrition scientists and registered dietitians. It is an education portal tailored to support the needs of the health and nutrition community. From evidence-based educational webinars, to podcasts featuring credentialed health experts and immersive learning experiences. 

Fuel Better at Every Age: The role of nutrition for improved body composition and strength

Visit this site where experts share research on the health benefits of high-quality protein in fueling strong bodies and minds.  Meal inspiration and other related fitness tips that give you the strength to be your best at every life stage.

UK Cooperative Extension Service: Nutritional Value of Meat 

Extension faculty in the Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition at the University of Kentucky provide a gateway to current research-based nutrition and food safety information for consumers.   

Nutritional Value of Beef (pdf)

2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans 

The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans provide recommendations to support health and wellness at all stages of the life cycle.  The USDA MyPlate website is user-friendly and shares healthy eat guidelines.  On the website, you can get a personalized MyPlate Plan and take a variety of quizzes testing your knowledge of nutrition. 

Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D.
Assistant Extension Director

242 Scovell Hall 115 Huguelet Drive Lexington, KY 40546-0064

+1 (859) 608-1014